Monday 4 July 2011

A Review of Book

 Raja Gidh

Have you been interested in reading books? If ‘YES’ then would you like to read a novel about philosophy of life? Here I m going to write a review of Urdu novel Raja Gidh” which is also available in English conversion (online on website).The novel is consisted of 406 pages and was published in 2002. It was written by Bano Qudsia. She was honoured the best Urdu writer. She has written many serials, plays and dramas as well.

Raja Gidh is  title name of novel, the word raja means “King” and gidh is a bird called “Vulture”, as You know  vulture eats dead bodies of animals. This novel is amazing, gives a deep knowledge of some complicated sides of life.The main idea of this book is to give the one aspect of pleasure of wrong doings and it shows how it cause disaster for whole personality of a person. The characters in book are every day characters, the novel make  the relationship of human nature with vulture. Novel outline the twist, tragedies and love of three main characters, Semi, Qayum and Aftab. The novel is all about that how human get derived towards wrong pathway and how much conscious and unconscious willingness contribute in his doings, it reflects love, dissatisfaction and negative points of society.
This novel got tremendously famous.

I’ll recommend this novel to all of you to read it but it might not happen to be interesting for teenagers as it requires full concentration to understand the philosophy, well m sure adults and mature people will definitely love it.You can read this novel online on following website,

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